A high asset divorce can be defined as any divorce where the combined assets of both parties are valued over a certain threshold. The specifics of dividing these types of assets are complicated and should not be taken lightly. It is important to understand that high asset divorces are not the same thing as complex divorces. A complex divorce is one in which both parties have substantial assets, but also complicated business interests or other complicating factors. The more complicated the situation, the more complex the legal proceedings of a divorce will be. A high-asset divorce only becomes “high-asset” because there are so many potential complications involved with dividing up all of those possessions, accounts, annuities, etc. Contact our law firm today at (312) 757-4833 to receive the legal help and guidance that can help you through your divorce.

How Are High Asset Divorces Different Than Most Divorces?

High asset divorces often require you to make challenging decisions regarding how assets will be split between the parties. It’s important that you consult with an attorney who understands Illinois divorce laws and what options are available to protect your best interests during this time. Buchanan Law Group protects our clients’ best interests by working hard during negotiations and aggressively litigating every case in court. Our goal is always to obtain a result that is in the best interests of our clients.

Why Should I Hire a Divorce Lawyer for a High Asset Divorce?

Divorce is an emotionally challenging and draining time, especially if you have a substantial net worth. High-asset divorces can be the most complicated type of divorce because they tend to involve more assets and thus require more work to divide those assets. Additionally, couples who are wealthy may not know how best to split their money or other property. Contact Buchanan Law Group for legal advice and representation during your high asset divorce proceedings. We can protect your rights and ensure you and your family end up with the best results possible.

When Should I Contact a Divorce Lawyer About My Case?

Because high-asset divorces are complicated, it is important to contact our firm as soon as possible. The best time to contact us is during the initial consultation process so that we can begin building your case today. We have extensive experience with many types of divorce cases – including those involving high net worth individuals. Contact Buchanan Law Group today at (312) 757-4833 for compassionate and strong representation for your divorce.